Update June 2016. Been using Arduino Manager for a couple of years now. Its quite a stable and useful development kit. iPad programming is simple drag and drop. Arduino programming is necessary. Documentation gets you started. Code Generator is helpful. Some the capabilities are tremendously powerful, like reading files from an SD drive and data logging. Updates continue to improve capability and performance. Very satisfied with this platform. Written some time ago... I now have a couple of useful, stable, control applications running on Arduino Manager using both Uno and Mega with Ethernet shields. Code transports perfectly between Uno and Mega. Even a fairly complex control program fits on an Uno. Some larger wifi sketches may call for the bigger Mega. Arduino Managers documentation gets you going quickly assuming you have decent Arduino familiarity. Working with an Ethernet shield is very easy. Arduino Managers iPad widgets offer one-way or two-way communications with Arduino and are pretty clearly explained. Theres NO programming needed on the iPad. I havent tried the code generator, but the example sketch gets you up and running quickly. Fabrizio Boco actually answers email and continues to support the program. This is a well made tool. I continue to develop on it.